Clem Flowers (They/ Them) is a soft spoken southern transplant living in spitting distance of some mountains in Utah. In an eternal search for a cold glass bottle of Shasta California Dreamin' Nb, bi, and queer as the day is long, they live in a cozy apartment with their wonderful wife & sweet calico kitty. They can be found on Twitter at @hand_springs777 They say Soda, but respect all other names for fizzy carbonated joy.

Heavy hangs the eye of the bleary sun that turns the early morning mist of the ragged, patchy grass beside the $1 Slurpee sign into arch dancers, pulling perfect pirouettes off into the horizon.
In that quiet moment, before I start my car back up, I recognize it is not unlike my standing in the galaxy:
Miniscule, but I can still be pretty.